Friday, February 27, 2009

TGI Friday

I am so glad the end of the week is here, I even have a lite-ish workday on Saturday, Yeah!  So yah I kinda got "personal" yesterday in my blog...  I couldn't help it, it's who I am.  You get the whole package here peeps.

So anyhow, last night we had group time and that was tough, Micah is crazy... he kept coming by and raising the speed and incline on our treadmills.  I nearly didn't make it.  Luckily my ego keeps getting in the way of my desire to stop when the pain is shooting through my body like a lightning bolt in slow motion, you know all the pain and intensity, but slow like torture. 

Its tough because my team is awesome and they just keep going and I am like, man I have to keep up... just keep up.  

Thursday, February 26, 2009

KDUV: Walk for life This Morning

I was blogging away this morning, listening to Carrie and Dale when I heard the interview this morning regarding Tulare Kings Right to Life and the Walk for Life... 

A couple of years ago I was approached by someone at my church I won't tell you her name, but her initials are Carrie...  it was odd because she just asked me one day... have you ever had an abortion...  what the.  Generally when the topic came up, I always did whatever I could to not let my little secret out.  But that day, someone else had control of my mouth cause my answer was yes... did I say that out loud

Along time ago I did have an abortion, I was scared and felt like there was no choice.  In fact I had always hated that word CHOICE... its not choice, that lead me that day to the clinic, it was fear, fear of the unknown, fear of  people knowing that I made a mistake, fear of what was going to happen, fear of asking for help, fear of judgement, FEAR of everything.  

Cold, hard, gripping, choking, FEAR.  That doesn't sound like choice to me, in fact in my head within moments of this fear, a choice was made, a choice that was made because it was pounded in my head somewhere along the road that the only choice is to run away from being afraid, and all of those feelings that pound you in giant crushing waves.  

After that day, I went home and cried for days, I sobbed, and sobbed, blamed it on pms, and boyfriends what ever it took to hide from my choice.  I remember those days still.  I couldn't stop, that is when I began drinking, hard... I could drink anything, quarts of whiskey, vodka, whatever, I got high.  I was violent, I fought people.  I did whatever I could to push people away. It almost worked, God never gave up on me... Somehow I came out of it.  
It wasn't till years later that I finally went to Silent Voices... man that is a powerful workshop, it is funny how you think I'm fine, I don't cry anymore, I don't even think about it, I don't talk about it, I change the subject, or walk away, I'm fine.  Since going to Silent Voices, for the first time since my abortion I finally feel forgiven, I finally feel peace... and let me tell you that is a whole different feeling. 

If you or someone you know have had an abortion at some point in life, contact TKRL 732-5000 ask for Ruthanne or about Silent Voices.  If you are considering an abortion or know someone who is, look at all of your options, slow down and think about it, don't rush into a decision based on fear.

Face fear, find help!  

if you want to make a pledge, see my walker page...

Art Happenings:

Art in the Park Call to Artists

Art Festival Seeks Artists
3rd Annual Art in the Park - June 13, 2009


The Art in the Park Committee is looking for visual and performing artists in all media,
for the 3rd annual Art in the Park Festival, from 10 a.m -3 p.m., June 13, 2009 at Recreation Park in Visalia.

Original works of fine art in all mediums, including ceramics, fiber, glass, jewelry, painting, digital art, photography, printmaking, sculpture, wood and mixed media. Artists, art organizations, clubs, non-profits and original work art galleries are encouraged to apply. Scholarships are available.

We are also seeking, musicians, dancers, theatrical performers, poetry for a poetry slam, and storytellers for our performing arts area.

Artists who are selected and wish to participate will be required to submit, a $40.00 fee for their booth which is a 10' x 20' space, see guidelines and application form for all details.

Guidelines and Application for the 3rd annual Art in the Park are available for download from our website at
follow the Art in the Park link.

Art Trail Call To Artists

Do you paint, throw, sculpt, or draw? Is art your forte and you would you like to showcase your talent to the public?

Huff Art Center of Visalia is looking for local artists of all ages and abilities to participate in the Visalia Art Trail, through the Adopt an Artist program! Business' in the downtown area will bring in artists to their store on the night of the trail to show and demo your work.

Locations around the city will now offer local residents and visitors multiple opportunities to see and experience art on a monthly basis.

To become a participant in this wonderful event, please contact Shelley Huff at 723-4833 participation.

register online at

Swing Into Spring

Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: Tulare Historical Museum's Heritage Room

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Okay so I haven't tried it, I will make them after the competition... but my friend Brenda has been telling me about these things, she loves them.  

Amazing Black Bean Brownie Recipe
For those of you who have a hard time tracking down agave nectar (which is becoming much more readily available) substitute honey 1:1 for the agave nectar. Ania's head notes encourage you to keep these brownies in the refrigerator, they will slice much better if refrigerated several hours or preferably overnight. I used instant coffee this time around, but you can find natural coffee substitute at many natural food stores.

4 ounces unsweetened chocolate
1 cup unsalted butter
2 cups soft-cooked black beans, drained well (hs: canned is fine)
1 cup walnuts, chopped
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
¼ cup (granulated) natural coffee substitute (or instant coffee, for gluten-sensitive)
¼ teaspoon sea salt
4 large eggs
1½ cups light agave nectar

Preheat the oven to 325°F. Line an 11- by 18-inch (rimmed) baking pan (hs note: or jellyroll pan) with parchment paper and lightly oil with canola oil spray.

Melt the chocolate and butter in a glass bowl in the microwave for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes on high. Stir with a spoon to melt the chocolate completely. Place the beans, 1/2 cup of the walnuts, the vanilla extract, and a couple of spoonfuls of the melted chocolate mixture into the bowl of a food processor. Blend about 2 minutes, or until smooth. The batter should be thick and the beans smooth. Set aside.

In a large bowl, mix together the remaining 1/2 cup walnuts, remaining melted chocolate mixture, coffee substitute, and salt. Mix well and set aside.

In a separate bowl, with an electric mixer beat the eggs until light and creamy, about 1 minute. Add the agave nectar and beat well. Set aside.

Add the bean/chocolate mixture to the coffee/chocolate mixture. Stir until blended well.

Add the egg mixture, reserving about 1/2 cup. Mix well. Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Using an electric mixer, beat the remaining 1/2 cup egg mixture until light and fluffy. Drizzle over the brownie batter. Use a wooden toothpick to pull the egg mixture through the batter, creating a marbled effect. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until the brownies are set. Let cool in the pan completely before cutting into squares. (They will be soft until refrigerated.)

Makes 45 (2-inch) brownies.


I found this nice website....  My favorite part is after these recipes is the nutritional breakdown, perfect for the food log.   I was looking for something different that was healthy and stumbled across it.  

I may try the Moroccan Chicken Kebabs.  it makes 4 servings.  Add some rice for 200 cal's and you have got dinner that is different, healthy, and maybe only 400 cal's or so. 

1/4 cup nonfat plain yogurt
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley, plus extra for garnish
2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, trimmed of fat and cut into 1-inch pieces
2 small bell peppers (red and/or yellow), cored, seeded and cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces
1 medium zucchini, cut into 1/4-inch-thick rounds

1. Stir together yogurt, parsley, cilantro, lemon juice, oil, garlic, paprika, cumin, salt, pepper and cayenne in a medium bowl. Add chicken and toss to coat well. Cover with plastic wrap and marinate in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, preheat grill or broiler. Blanch bell peppers in boiling salted water for 3 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon and refresh with cold water. Blanch zucchini for 1 minute. Drain and refresh with cold water.
3. Alternate chicken cubes, peppers and zucchini on skewers. Grill or broil the kebabs until the chicken is no longer pink in the center, 3 to 4 minutes per side. Garnish with a sprinkle of chopped parsley.

NUTRITION INFORMATION: Per serving: 201 calories; 5 g fat (1 g sat, 3 g mono); 66 mg cholesterol; 10 g carbohydrate; 29 g protein; 3 g fiber; 383 mg sodium.

Nutrition bonus: Vitamin C (220% daily value), Vitamin A (90% dv), Potassium (30% dv).

Coffee filters...who knew! And you can buy 1,000 at the Dollar Tree for almost nothing.

my Aunt sent me this email this morning....

1. Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave.
Coffee filters make excellent covers.

2 Clean windows and mirrors. Coffee filters are lint-free so they'll leave windows sparkling.

3. Protect China . Separate your good dishes by putting a coffee filter between each dish.

4. Filter broken cork from wine. If you break the cork when opening a wine bottle, filter the wine
through a coffee filter.

5. Protect a cast-iron skillet. Place a coffee filter in the skillet to absorb moisture and prevent rust.

6. Apply shoe polish. Ball up a lint-free coffee filter.

7. Recycle frying oil. After frying, strain oil through a sieve lined with a coffee filter.

8. Weigh chopped foods. Place chopped ingredients in a coffee filter on a kitchen scale.

9. Hold tacos. Coffee filters make convenient wrappers for messy foods.

10. Stop the soil from leaking out of a plant pot. Line a plant pot with a coffee filter to prevent the
soil from going through the drainage holes.

11. Prevent a Popsicle from dripping. Poke one or two holes as needed in a coffee filter.

12. Do you think we used expensive strips to wax eyebrows? Use strips of coffee filters.

13. Put a few in a plate and put your fried bacon, French fries, chicken fingers, etc on them.
Soaks out all the grease.

14. Keep in the bathroom. They make great "razor nick fixers."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Late, Late, Late

Well my day is not starting off well.  I didn't dry my gym clothes, and for whatever reason I laid back down after I turned off the alarm!  Can I just scream now...   

Well yesterday I was reading about red envelope day: 
The thought behind it is to send an empty red envelope to President Obama at the White House. On the back a simple yet powerful message: “This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world.”

The goal is to have a tidal wave of red envelopes flood the mailroom of the White House.  Mr. Otto, the brain child behind this project, says the red envelope message would be “quiet but clear”. Go to or call your local Right to Life office.  

I think this is an interesting project, i'll be interested to see how this will be handled at the White House, and if the media will talk about it.  I think I will dedicate mine to Rose.  

Monday, February 23, 2009

...not so bad

Well, working through the pain, does pay off. While working out I was feeling it... thats for sure, especially my knee.  But I noticed at the end of the day I wasn't hurting as much.  Thats better right.  anyhoo I'll take any progress.

I'm feeling like my results could be alot better though, I look at my fitday diary and I see some things that are a problem, and I will fix it. 

Mystery Meat Monday: Firkin and Hound

The Firkin and Hound is a nice place, now our server was weird, not bad, just odd.  He suggested the fish and chips, but I am a rebel... I went for that shepherds pie...  mmmm that is really good.  Of course I can only eat half cause of the whole portion control thing,  its a decent size.  

It has all the things that you would expect from dinner at Momma's... meat, gravy, potatoes, and some veggies, but really who notices those things, I ask you!  This is real comfort food.  I think especially good for those rainy days.  maybe toss in a biscuit for extra good measure.

I like simple foods, that doesn't have a thousand choices to go with it.  So try this one, maybe for lunch.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Body hurts

okay... I really am dying, I absolutely hurt everywhere... not much to say other than that... sorry guys I am just to wiped to say much more than that.  I think I am going to take a break today.

I feel sorry for those guys on Biggest Loser. 

*it seems my blogs lately have been saving to "drafts" so this and a few others is publishing late

Thursday, February 19, 2009

group therapy....

tonites group session involved running, sweating, carrying things and dying.... which means tomorrow is going to be bad...

*it seems my blogs lately have been saving to "drafts"  so this and a few others is publishing late

3 miles baby!!!

Okay this morning I did my first 3 miles at one time since ... oh my gosh a really long time 1999 my last pft in the Marine Corp... man, time flies when your standing in line at the buffet!  

I was busting it out this morning I had the incline way up and I powered through it.... except tonite I have to meet with Micah and the group.... UGH!  Pray for me!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1 lima bean for me!

okay so subway has this whole $5 sandwich thing, my usual order, spicy italian footlong... easy on the lettuce and yes... I do want mayo, mustard, vinegar, and oil; and I do eat the whole darn thing.... shocking I know, but I am a gluten, its who I was. 

Today I ordered  the same thing, no mayo and no oil, and sure I will try those vegetable thingys, like spinach, and cucumbers...  and I only ate 1/2, and I was full (I drank water... maybe I need another lima bean for that).  Now I am sure Micah still wants to kill me here, but this is a huge step for me.... huge I say!  

I am aware that next time I have to be a grown up and take the full step into a good choice, but feel good.  Oh yeah today I had a sip of soda, its been about 1.5 weeks since then.... sorry Pepsi for all the lay-offs due to my lack of soda drinking... holy rusted metal batman, it was so sweet I actually had to drink some water to get the syrupy feeling out of my mouth.  

That is crazy stuff right there.

Friday Night Art Circle!!! Beginners class

Friday Night Art Circle

Feb 20th from 6pm to 8pm
Location:Cafe 210
Street: 210 W Center St.
City/Town: Visalia, northwest corner of Center st & Locust St
Website or Map:
Contact Info: 559-723-4833

This months Circle features Melanie Fountain & Joan Hernandez. The theme... Shadow Paintings a charcoal class. The cost for this workshop is $20 (early bird special is $15 for the first 5 sign-ups) Supplies included!

No experience is required, so come on down and join us for an artful evening. Call or email for sign up information. You may also sign up online, on the night of the class and pay at when you get there.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Last Night

So yesterday morning I couldn't make it to the gym, so I went last night.  And I have decided that I just don't like it.  It seems like a social hour, which, you know I'm cool with that.  Just not for me.  I found myself frustrated at how everyone was having a good time, laughing while I was suffering.  Now I am aware that no one noticed me, and normally I am not like this at all.  But for some reason... at the gym, I am so self-conscious.  I hate that about me.

At least in the morning, we are all  2 cups of coffee low.... its more serious in the am.  Maybe one day I will be one of them who are working out and having a good time... just not feeling it right now.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Counting achievements

Okay... so my friend said something to me,
Count the achievements (yes, every little one of 'em). Keep track (note book or even pebbles in a clear jar) I think I will do that, cause yesterday and many other days, I quietly turn down pastries at meetings, and taco bell in between, and really I just want to shout to the world, look what I did... see, I can say no!  But that would be odd... even for me.  

So I will count them... I think I will use Lima Beans cause they are big and saying no to a lemon scone at those coffee houses is big... thanks Yoda, you inspire me.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Art Class Challenge!

Friday Night Art Circle

You will love this class, imagine taking a class that requires no experience, in fact I challenge those who say  "I can't draw... I am not artistic"  I bet that you will be surprised.  at the end of this class you will have a finished piece that you created...

Event Details
Time: from 6pm to 8pm
Location: Cafe 210
Street: 210 W Center St.
City/Town: Visalia, northwest corner of Center st & Locust St
Register Online:
Contact Info: 559-723-4833

This months Circle features Melanie Fountain & Joan Hernandez. The theme... Shadow Paintings. The cost for this workshop is $20 (early bird special is $15 for the first 5 sign-ups) Supplies included!

No experience is required, so come on down and join us for an artful evening. Call or email for sign up information.

secret super-hero's or how to say no and not feel guilty

As women we think we have to do absolutely everything, but I learned very important words: they are "no" and "I need you to help me" These words are you friends, they want you to do 1-2 things for yourself and not please everyone.

As women we nurture, its who we are... the behind the scenes, secret super-hero fixers of the world, but I think we take that to a point that we have lost the ability to nurture ourselves.

It is difficult to decide when and where to use these magical words, it has been a challenge for me... and said right, everyone is mostly understanding of it.

For me I had to prioritize, and much like a food diary you have to make important choices, and some things just have to fall off. It is hard but it has saved my life in many ways, I feel better, and the guilt of saying "no" or "not now" or "help me" has mostly gone away (not nearly as debilitating) because I know what I am saying yes to.

This message is brought to by encouraging advice from my friend Sue..... :-)

Friday, February 13, 2009

YES! its Friday

Okay so I made it, yeah for me!  Today it is pouring down the rain.... so no work for me ugh!  But that does mean I can work on my events... funny how working for free doesn't depend on the weather but working for bill money does depend on the weather...  ha ha!

Anyhoo, this morning was Dad's & Donuts and I volunteered (months ago, glad she called) So we get there, and there is probably 7 tables piled high (no exageration here!) with donuts, I was praying hard.  God had mercy, as Linda asked if I wanted to pour coffee....  You bet I did, so I poured and refilled my heart out walking very fast away from the donuts.  

I made it through that, probably cause I ran out the door when I heard people packing donuts and shoving into the hands of people as they left... I hope they didn't think I was rude, but it also started pouring down rain and I had my kids coat.  

I met with an artist today, she had an awesome piece for the show... beautiful... I love it, in-fact I know that when my friend sees it she will go crazy.  I can't wait for the show.  

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Yeah! Shopping

Alright shopping, but really when your trainer says we're going to go shopping... be suspicious. So I got the times mixed up, and was walking out the door from shopping for dinner, when I saw everyone standing in the door to go in... run hide, don't let them see the cupcakes (they were for a birthday party really!) They were kind enough to wait for me. 

It's funny how what labels say on "healthy stuff" it seems that fresh is the absolute way to go... and serving sizes are relative you each of us examples:

fish a serving is the size of your hand from fingertips-wrist
chicken serving size is size of your palm
Fruit size of your fist, basically if you can't see it behind your fist then it is good size
red meats/shark back of hand from knuckles to wrist 

Here is another interesting fact...  mayo with olive oil is nearly half the fat & calories... 

that Micah fella is pretty darn smart...

Art Happenings

Quady Winery on the Madera Wine Trail is open tomorrow (feb 14th) and there is a beautiful Art Show there..
There are some fantastic artists, such as Ron Hendershott, Franka Gabbler , Johnathon Bock, Christina Roe, Rose Wheeler, Rattanananan Moerdyk and Amy Kohl. I'll be there also, next to the big blue painting:)
Quady is a unique experience.....try it
13181 Road 24, Madera

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


My nephew has joined the Marines he is in boot camp right now! I am so excited for him. And sad for me... I know its selfish, but I am a Marine, always will be, and here I am. I am not supposed to be this, out of shape doesn't even explain it.

I am angry at myself for allowing this to happen, and really I knew this isn't some big surprise. It is hard when expectations real or imagined get at me. I will not wallow in this, cause it makes me real mad.

I will however be at my goal by his graduation no matter what..... I will fit in my uniform again.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

...and now for the bad news

5 pieces of pizza has 2400 calories! I can eat like 10 pieces without flinching....crud! Not that I did that Micah! I was just saying.

Well I have feelin' a little down here lately, I am not sure why, just have been. I did get to the gym this morning and that was good.

I do feel a little better, I feel like I am getting back in that groove. I am starting to remember how mind clearing cardio can be. It was nice to sort out thoughts, I remember I used to do that when I would run....

My heart rate isn't off the chart anymore when I am working out... thats good. Even though I don't see or feel a change, that counts as change (cause Lisha said so)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mystery Meat Monday: Black Bear Diner

Alright, this place is cool looking, if you like the Sequoias. They really took the bear/camping thing to the extreme, There are wood bear sculptures everywhere and even though every wall is packed with decorations it isn't as bad as one would imagine. They have signs, and cast iron (my only protest, cause I only cook with cast iron) posted everywhere. So it is my hope that the food is just as clever.

It was busy so the coffee refills came fast, the coffee was okay, not to weak as some has gotten in these hard economic times. I went for the cobb salad, my hubby got the Bob's Big Bear Burger, hmmm that sounds odly familiar. I was really hungry and went for the large salad and when I got it, it was more like a vegetable stand on a platter. This thing was pretty big. The lettuce was cold and crisp, no weird pink or red to be found anywhere... good attention to detail. it was yummy, the bacon was tasty. All in all it was good, my only thing would be that all the ingredients were sectioned around the plate and I almost missed the blue cheese. Personally I like everything layered on top spread out everywhere, no what I mean.

My husbands burger on the other hand was so good, it was pretty big, seasoned perfectly, and super juicy even though it was cooked all the way through ( my husband doesn't like pink and red meat... mmm!) The fries were even yummy... I bet you are wondering how I know this, okay okay I was stealing bites from it you caught me. It was covered in "secret sauce" and grilled onions, lettuce, tomato, pickle.

This is definitely worth many visits.

Friday, February 6, 2009

quick note

I am heading out the door... and needed to vent.  Is anyone else fighting the urge to stand on a scale.  I am like nearly obsessive about it.  But its like. if I do and what I am hoping for isn't there then I am all depressed... you know!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


If it seems like all I am blogging about lately is working out... is because that is all that my body will allow me to think about.  This morning I tried to mimic yesterday's workout I realize now I forgot the lunge thingy, but I am excited... I retained it.  I did it!  Also he taught me some things to do using those exercise band thingys.  I forgot to mention that yesterday.

It wasn't bad, well okay it hurt, but not bad but I did add 15 minutes more cardio...

We are also going to move my precious and beautiful Abby (my car) outside... deep breaths, relax, it will be okay.  A while ago we bought one of the total gym things from sports chalet it was only like $200 but it has been collecting dust for a while... a long while.  Now I am starting to think, oh I can get in another little work out at home without driving across town.  So we will set it up in the garage.  

Art Happenings

Art in the Alley at the Farmers Market, Downtown Visalia, Church and Main Street and the Garden Street Plaza. 5-8 p.m. the first Thursday in April, May and June. This Cultural Experience features local artists from throughout Visalia, live music, and kids activities. This event is free and open to the public. Sponsored by Art Council of Tulare County and the Visalia Farmers Market. Interested artists call 625-1520.

The Courthouse Gallery of the Arts in Exeter, will exhibit “Portraits and Pastorals in Oil” from through March 31, featuring the work of Glen Hill of Three Rivers and Ernie Weerasinghe of Visalia. For more information call 592-1143 or 592-3882.

The Creative Center’s Jon Ginsburg Gallery presents “Meandering Through the Mediums” a multi-media exhibit featuring art by The Creative Center student artists. Featured artist is Michael Malloy. The exhibit will show through March 9 at the gallery located at 410 E. Race St., Visalia. Public invited, no cost for admission. For information call 733-9329.

The Creative Center presents “The Wonder Within,” a two-dimensional art exhibit, at the Visalia Convention Center, 303 E. Acequia, Visalia. The exhibit will be held through April 6 during business hours. Also showing are pictures from The Sequoia Valley Photo Contest 2008, from the Visalia Convention and Visitor’s Bureau. Public invited, no cost for admission. Call 733-9329 for more information.

The Mason House Museum and Gallery presents “Out of Many We Are One” American Black History; 1619-2009, a mixed media art exhibit by Alex Schooler. The exhibit runs through Feb. 27. The gallery is located at 1476 N. Gale Hill Ave. in Lindsay. Hours are 1-4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. For more information call 562-7168.

The California Arts Council in partnership with the Tulare County Arts Council will present an informational workshop for organizations who may be interested in applying for grants supporting the Artist in Schools Residency programs. This will be a free workshop held at Arts Visalia on Friday, Feb. 6 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. For more information call 625 -1520

Arts Visalia will showcase recent works in painting, drawing and mixed media by Fresno State University professor of art Stephanie Ryan. In Arts Visalia’s Gallery II, Tyler Ferreira will present a new series of lithographs and sculptural works. This will be Ferreira’s first major solo exhibition in Visalia. Both exhibitions will run through Feb. 27 with an opening reception from 6-8 p.m. on Feb. 6. Arts Visalia is located at 214 E. Oak Ave., in downtown Visalia. For more information call 739-0905.

The Kings Art Center is celebrating Black History Month by featuring the work of three established West Coast artists in a sculpture, photography and mixed-media exhibit titled “Moving Forward Reflecting Back.” The exhibit will run through March 28 at the Gallery located at 605 N. Douty St., Hanford. Gallery hours are noon to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. For more information call 584-1065.

Porterville Historical Museum will have an exhibition featuring Angels and Archangels. The icon show opens Feb. 5 and runs through March 28th. A reception will be held on Feb. 7. The Museum is open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., and is located at 257 N. D St., Porterville.

Martzen Studio located at 115 S. L St., Dinuba has the Martzen Exhibit featuring original photos from the 40s through the 90s of the Sierra Nevadas, as well as historical prints of the area. Negatives dating from the 30s, portraiture and scenics of Dinuba, Orosi, Orange Cove and Reedley area. Hours: Monday 12 - 5 p.m., Tuesday - Friday 10:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Occasionally later hours by appointment. Saturday 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. For more information call 591-3890.

The Art Stand Gallery, located on the Blossom Trail, at Frankwood Ave. and Highway 180 near Sanger, will hold its Blossom Trail Show beginning Feb. 7 through April 18. Come meet the artists at an open house reception on March 7. The Gallery is open daily from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. For more information call 967-8635.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Can't move fingers... hurts everywhere... must eat fruit pie.... ooh wait.  Did anybody else here see the twinkle in Micah's eye whenever you groaned in pain.  Yep he really likes his job!  

No, really though he is a motivator, it must be the Drill Instructor in him.  I want to die right now, and I fear that tomorrow will only be worse.  Usually I do about 15 min of cardio then the  circuit, then 15 min cardio... but today we did some different stuff, and I got more of a workout in less time...

on the treadmill he had the speed and a brisk walk then he increased the incline periodically, on the circuit he took away some and added a few but also had me do them different.  ho! man! it was intensely better than what I was doing.  Personal Trainers make all the difference...

I have  a sneaking suspicion that he was going easy...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 4 no Pepsi

Day 4... no pepsi, I am still having a problem with my vision cause I still have trouble seeing past my belly button(its there right)... having trouble breathing, and I'm sweating alot. The shock of it all is taking toll on my body, I feel pain everywhere... and there are people all around me... running. Where am I!

oh yeah the gym again, I got to tell you I never would have imagined I would be stomping my feet in front of the dryer at 4:30 in the morning waiting for my clothes to get dry... so I can get to the gym. My team was there, that was awesome! I am not doing as well as I would like to with my diet as far as healthy eating, my weakness' call me to the dark side... But I think I did okay yesterday.

Another accomplishment, last night after my meeting I was thirsty and instead of making more coffee, I drank almost an entire bottle, you know those reuseble sport bottles... I think there is like 24 or more ounces in it, of water (not pepsi)! ha ha!

Free Talk Tuesday: thus far

Well I know its early, but man this year is starting out great... I mean really great. Problems having getting fixed without a hitch at all. Its a nice change, last year was filled with some downer stuff, but I made it.

Things for the art center are blasting off with force. broken things are getting repaired for free (add a tv and steamer to my list), and relationships are mending. man, wow this is great start for the year!

Post your shout outs and exciting things here... we would love to hear them.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mystery Meat: Main Street Cafe

Well Main Street Cafe is right across from the Fox theatre. When you walk in its kind of 50's but not in your face 50's. They have a jukebox and various Marilyn, Elvis, and other fun little metal signs everywhere. There is a counter as well as really nice seats. But lets get down to business here.

I tried there California Fresh Omelette... Wow! the eggs are perfectly cooked soft texture no browness... It was filled with smoked bacon, swiss cheese, spinach, avcado, and mushrooms, it was so good I would have never thought to put that together. Seemed very California, very yummy. My dear hubby got the biscuits which were really airy and fluffy, very nice. I got the bagel, now I forgot to ask, but I had heard they make their own bagels... It was super good, I have never had a bagel before that was not only tasty, but it wasn't hard/chewy.

It was a good treat, and now I have a delima... a new favorite place to eat. I will be definitely going back for a lunch visit to check them out further.


So I am thinking, my hind side hurts, no more bikes. the day was good, I ran into Lisha... she kept me going. I also have this little fear of working out by myself, I need to work on that...

I don't know why I think everyone is staring at me, am I so important, or am I so insecure... I am proud I made it through the morning, and was able to also motivate myself into finishing the workout.

Looking forward to my meeting/workout with Micah.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Okay so I spent Sunday morning at the gym... yes you read it right... the gym. So I met with Lisha and Kim. And we spent some time on the bikes again (why aren't those seats bigger... I mean really) and then the elliptical runner thing, and my thighs were on fire... like bring the extinguisher. wooo. Then we went to the 29 minute re-shape circuit place thingy (if you look real close that is a technical term on the sign (you just need special spy-glasses).

All in all it wasn't bad... no really I mean it. Even through my "uncomfortable state" I felt energized a little. Now I know that sounds nutso, I used to think that people were nuts for saying that. But I am here to tell you that is true.

I think that having a trainer has been the key here, just from talking with him already I feel a little more "gym savvy"


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