Friday, December 30, 2011

Financial Freedom for the New Year

Start the new year with financial freedom! These are the tools that David and I used to become debt free with a 5 year plan to pay off our 30 year mortgage! 

We may have drove a really ugly truck for a while, however that sacrifice and others have changed our mindset forever, and soon we will be mortgage free to. This is by far the best decision we have made for our family.  One that has freed us from being a slave to the lender.

Most of the information is free, he has books as well and his radio show on KMJNOW from 11a-2p or you can live stream it  at the Dave Ramsey web page.

What an amazing freeing feeling we have to be cash only, save to buy new car with cash, investing, build a retirement, debt free college for our kiddo, and build a legacy for our daughter that she may never know debt. These were concepts that were always foreign to us, however now this is our reality.  Our income didn't change but our ideals changed.  

Today begin your journey.  This can be done at ANY income level... BE FREE!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Appleworks conversions....

I made discovery, now I realize that I am late to this party.  However, when our old Mac finally died we discovered that the Mac mini was pretty cheap, and since we had all the perifials already, we just got that instead, and decided to fix our old Mac in a few months for our kiddo.

When we did this it was an easy decision, because we have had many computers over the years and love them, but a several years ago we bought a Mac, and WOW is pretty much all I have to say.  Computing life has been way easier since then.   Now after we got our mini home and hooked it up, I went to open a few files, only to learn that the new system no longer supported Appleworks or couldn't open them.  PANIC   WHAT  shock!   How could this happen.  My first thought always goes to a I should have thought....   before my video failed!

I hit the internet and only found weird answers like.... "if you are using .cwk then you are a dinosaur"  and many more.   I mean who cares if I am a dinosaur.  I was an Appleworks addict, it did everything and a lot more than my Microsoft Office Professional did, and it was free (and prior to our Mac I lOVED the MS Office products)!     Now calling me a dinosaur, or old, or even archaic does not fix my problem.  I believe in share and share alike...   Which is why I am not a fan of tech forums, it seems that the only people who generally respond include weird little snippets like the one abouve.   I mean really people lets get creative here, is it possible to answer a question without all that.

So I made some copies of a .cwk file and began experimenting, and only 5 minutes later I found a solution to most of those files.   First off, you can get the new programs Pages, Numbers, and Keynote at the App store for about $20 each.   I bought them separately because I don't need a presentation program, so I only purchased pages and numbers.  The first item I converted was a spreadsheet, I right clicked the item and then selected "get info"   scrolled down to "Open with" and changed it to Numbers, then closed the "get info" box.   Then double clicked the file, and it opened in Numbers with no problems.   I was shocked at how easy it was.  I did the same thing with letters or other word processing (archaic phrase... yes I know)  but used Pages instead of Numbers.

For the files that were created using the Drawing feature of Appleworks use EazyDraw or  Intalgio   I have not tested these yet, as I have not had an immediate need for it.  But there are a quite a few recommendations for it.

So there you have it, a fairly easy change over from Appleworks.  So I think we can relax and breathe now!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Memories

Yesterday was one of my favorite Thanksgivings,  we got to hang out at the hubbys house and visit with family.   We played board games for hours!    I felt like any moment the ghost of Norman Rockwell was going to appear painting us!    This was seriously a top 5 Thanksgiving moment.

Another one was the year we were making dinner and the pan I used was not deep enough to hold the turkey  We tried to pull out the Turkey and some of the Juice fell out in the oven and instantly flames shot up everywhere.  My mother-in-law grabbed a fire extinguisher but we yelled "NO SAVE THE TURKEY" which, in hindsight sacrificing the house and not the turkey was not the smartest thing to do.  Well during this commotion my husband calmly walked over and threw flour on the fire...  there was puddles of gravy everywhere.  It was awesome and we still laugh about it every year!

So there you have it folks... my recipe for oven gravy!  thats a freebie.   I hope everyone enjoyed there thanksgiving too!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Being an entrepreneur is fantastic.   For me it is the ultimate in creativity, multi-tasking, and control (or lack there of).   In my experience the road has been great/terrible/diverse.   I would recommend it to anybody.  One of my hobbies though is creating and deciphering business/marketing plans I don't know why and I am not sure I can explain it.  The artist in me cringes at that idea, however when I see an idea or a spreadsheet I get all warm inside with anticipation...  its weird I know.

Which sort of leads me to what I have dying to blog about all day.  Today I saw 2 great examples of entrepreneurship, one was a couple of kids who were in front of there house selling koolaid for .25.  There were in there cutest little "I'm an awesome kid" clothes.  Now my favorite was when I pulled over to buy some, not because I was thirsty or even like super sweet koolaid but because if these kids were outside not playing video games or on a cell phone, I am going to support it.   I bought 2 for me and my kiddo and as I was paying for them they looked at me grinning and said "do you have anybody else you would like to buy for, we're saving up for christmas"   now regardless if I believe that it was true or not, that was just good marketing.   I could learn from this...  

See a need or tug a heartstring, know your customer and fill the need.  They saw me, a mom, who pulled over on a busy road to buy a 2.oz sized cup of koolaid for a quarter.  Of course I will, anything else do you have a tip jar.    LOL

Now my other favorite thing is business names. Yes they should be creative, or funny but they should at least be pertinent...   Now what I mean is if you name your business Jane Doe LTD.   Thats great but what do you do are you a cleaner, seller, artist, what do you do.   Your business name doesn't tell me that.   Now if your name is   "Buzzkill Pest Control"   I am going to literally LOL   When I saw this I thought seriously at the notion of switching purely because of the name, because how awesome is that.  Here this person used a word typically used in a completely different setting and transformed it to a business name that is both creative and pertinent.   Now anytime I hear/read the word "buzzkill"  I will only think of this pest guy and the great story of today...  Thanks Buzzkill guy your awesome!

Friday, November 11, 2011

tap tap tap.... is the blogger still here?

Well yes... and no.   I have been on hiatus so to speak, concentrating on my illness and treatments, and wondering why my hands are starting to make new shapes and fingers going in new directions!  Learning how to write with my left hand since holding a pen and typing takes forever and hurts!  

I gotta tell you learning, how to write is incredibly difficult, I have a whole new appreciation for children.  Which is basically what I am doing.  It is difficult to start over with anything I feel even less competent sometimes.  I think the key is not giving up and try not to project my own insecurities on other people.  And to not let other people's judgements define me.

Anyhoo... my apologies for dropping off the map, both on the blog and in life in general.  Which brings me to today.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Christmas, Ass, and books... wait what?!

Is it too early to talk Christmas... well its hot so any vision of coolness makes okay right?!  So today I was reading my daily group of blogs, and one by Jon Acuff  had cracked me up a little specifically a reader comment by the name of Jennifer:
Jennifer June 21, 2011 at 11:57 am #
I’m so glad someone finally made fun of this.
“I felt like there were two possible reasons to call your wife your bride. The first is that it’s biblical. Isn’t the church called “the bride of Christ?” It’s not called the “wife of Christ.” So using “bride” could be a throwback to the Bible. So maybe saying “bride” is like answering the question, “What Would Jesus Do?” He’d say bride. OK, I get that.”
The Bible also calls donkeys “asses,” but when I tell someone about the cute donkeys I pass every morning on the way to work (Yes, in Brentwood, TN) I don’t say, “Hey, make sure the next time you’re driving down Cloverland you check out the asses.”
It’s just not right.
 I couldn't help but to think of Christmas time, when they put up the lyrics on the Church wall and you see a line like this:  “Where ox and ass are feeding”  I still giggle thinking about it.  Luckily I am not alone, there are many children who giggle with me as well.  Any who, I wanted to share one of my favorite blogs, and  a particularly funny response to it.

John Acuff is a writer, his most recent book is Quitter.  I really enjoyed this book.  While I waited what seemed like forever (I pre-ordered it) for the release date.   Somehow I had it in my head that it was going to be a step by step mechanized book on how to start your dream and quit your job.  You know Chapter 1, Day 1  open book, close your eyes, realize dream.... 

But really it was a realistic view at not only finding your dream but also how to get there without sabotaging your life, which consequently not only ruins your dream, but also your day job.   So I recommend that you read this book, it helps shine a light on your path... kind of like a flashlight, hey maybe it should be titled the flashlight book!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Documentary: Forgiving Dr. Mengele

Forgiving Dr. Mengele is a documentary that is an interesting show about the holocaust survivors who were twins that were experimented on.  It is a mixed feeling between the groups, most don't believe they can forgive on behalf of those who have died.  They don't want to forgive, because they believe in order to forgive you have to forget.  Eva who is the main subject of this doesn't believe that you must forget what happened.  She says that to forgive them means not allowing the pain of the situation rule your life.  She opened a museum, she does tours, she also travels and does speaking engagements about the holocaust, and her personal experiences.

For me and my personal issues with forgiveness, I feel I am on this track as well.  I will not/can not forget, but I can however decide to not let it be a part of my everyday life.  It was a little by little process for me, to realize you can't change the past, you can't change people they must change themselves, and you can't forget things.   However I can take my anger and pain, turn it around. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Community News

I found a nifty little community project to get involved in.   I like projects that I can work on a little at a time, that are not really time sensitive.  I have learned over the passed couple of years to work around this disability and do what I can.   This is specific for Visalia.... but if you are in another area, check your local newspaper.

Project Linus is in need of volunteer blanketeers that would like to make blankets for children in the local area. Blankets are given to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. Handmade blankets can be quilted, made of fleece or knitted/crocheted. If you would like more information or would like to get involved, please call 661-589-1854 or email Blankets can be delivered to Synchrony of Visalia, 4031 N. Demaree, Visalia.

So if it takes a day or a year to make one, this would be a great place to take it.  

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


My apologies for being gone... we had death in the family, that took us all by surprise.   He was the kind of guy who you just expected to be around forever.  A great man!   We love you and miss you Ray.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pepsi Refresh Grant voting!

Its voting time again!  I am in the running for a $5000 grant for art supplies and training from the Pepsi Refresh Project. You can find me at, and see some information about it. 

Ways to vote!
While you are visiting me at the site,  you can vote by signing up for a pepsi refresh account.  
You can also vote with your mobile phone: Text* 105676 to Pepsi (73774) to vote from your mobile. *Standard text messaging rates apply.  
Drink pepsi, save your bottle caps!  some of them are worth 100 power votes!

Thanks everyone, I AM SO EXCITED.  Please feel free to share with everyone on your mailing list, to get as many votes as possible

Happy Fishing season! <ยบ))))><
P Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A new Class

I picked up a new class, it is another free one.  I will be doing expressive art classes at one of the local teen foster homes.  I am very excited about this, and am looking forward to having some fun art time with the girls.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

and now a word from spam...

So this morning I get the following email:
 A Valentine's Day Offer for:
A special Valentine's Day starts with HomeTown Buffet.
For any guests who've been married more than 50 years, 
we're offering this sweet deal.
Purchase two adult meals at lunch or dinner on February 14th and you'll receive TWO FREE "BE OUR GUEST" MEAL PASSES, 
valid any time through March 16th. 
Just be sure to bring your marriage certificate and photo IDs!
So if you have been married for more than 50 years, you have to buy two meals in order to get two free meals!  I mean really... in this day and age, you should give it to them!  A congratulations for sticking it out that long, for beating the odds, for not holding a grudge at each other's imperfections... I can't imagine there are a whole lot of people who make it that long with death and divorce around.   How about  a real present.

That is a

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A space for me

For the last several months I have been getting more requests for classes, and expressive art classes... which is really exciting, however I am without a space!  I guess I should get on that.  Ideally it would be nice if I could find someone who will trade something like janitorial services for a space, wish me luck people, and pray... lots of prayers would be cool!

Monday, February 7, 2011

losing weight and losing the gym

Well in my quest to get back on the saddle of health things are going well.  At first we went out and got a gym membership hoping that by going to the one that is closer to us that somehow it will make a change.  And for a day or two it did, I noticed that when we did we would always hop on the treadmill.  Well we decided to loose the gym membership (thank the Lord for 30 day trials) since we quickly went back to old habits. 

We did however buy a treadmill, it is a cheapy we got it at Sears for $400, figuring that if we wear it out from using it so much, then we can get a better one.  So far so good, we have worked out much more than we did when we had a gym membership.  My dad says walking outside is free, but with my health condition the way it is, I have gotten stuck about half way out and have had to sit and wait out the pain till I can manage it back home. At least with a treadmill, when I start hurting my couch is only a few feet away!

So it looks like we have found our weight loss solution, what works for one, may not work for others.  Like weight watchers, I have watched a friend nail that thing and still keep it off GO GIRL!  I will update with a monthly see if my new pants fit yet.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

God... is that you?!

I was picking up my daughter from school, and it is busy, as always. I parked the car and walked halfway up the school yard before she seen me and ran to me. On the way back to the car, I swore I heard someone call my name. As I looked around to see who it was, my daughter looked at me and said "Mom, what are you looking at" When I told her I thought someone called my name she said to me... "Maybe God wants to talk to you" 


Thursday, January 27, 2011


I feel myself in this weird place where I just can't seem to get up and create.  I have all these ideas of sketches swimming around, however I lack the motivation to get up and do, I am obsessed with watching movies about artists... that seems odd.

I am lost

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Number Silliness

a friend posted this earlier today, it worked for some of us.. I am curious if it will happen to anyone else too. Math makes my head hurt LOL:

This year we will experience 4 unusual dates ... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 ... NOW go figure this out ... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be THIS year and it WILL EQUAL 111. Try it! its freaky! I did and it came out to be 111.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Someone sent me this game on facebook... it was really fun and creative!

1 - Go to and hit random. The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to and hit random. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to and click on “explore the last seven days”. Third picture no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use photoshop or similar ( is a free online photo editor) to put it all together.

5 - Post it with this text in the "caption" and TAG the friends you want to join in and me so i can see what you've created.

Here is what I did.

Name of Band: Mertzwiller

Album Name: Show up to get it



Thursday, January 13, 2011

Goldfish Antics

We just watched the commercial for 'goldfish crackers'  where all the flavors of goldfish crackers are trying to save pretzel flavored goldfish from breaking to pieces when he jumps down from a shelf. So they each take a corner or this cloth to create a safety net... 

When suddenly I heard "EWWWWWWWWWWWW mom look... nobody wants to eat a pretzel cracker when it falls onto underwear!" 

What!  it's actually underwear.... what were the writers thinking!   My kid is very aware... LOL

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New habit... better world

Okay... so why am I showing you a picture of the trash that lurks under my sink?

Well its really a matter of a little bit of pride in finally figuring out a new system.  Before I thought I was very clever,  I used an old small waste can  so I can use grocery store bags.  That way the trash is stowed away neatly and I never have to buy trash bags.  We take the trash out daily, but that works too because then there is no smell at all.  The white bucket on the right is my newest addition, that I am especially proud of... in a weird sort-of way.

All because of this this flier I received from the city.  We can now compost in our yard waste can...  Now according to the list almost any kitchen waste can go in the yard waste can (except proteins, rice, pasta, metal like the staples in teabags, etc. check your list for details or call your local public works and ask about composting in your yard waste)  Rather than these things going down the garbage disposal or into the landfill, it will be made into soil!  How cool is that.  Well at first I didn't have the compost can, and I would haphazardly pick a few things off the top, but after my garage organizing fiasco I found a short bucket to use.  And since I am not so consistent with keeping up with my own compost pile, I can at least contribute a little.  Plus I do believe a few times a year you can get a free load of it.

Now the best part is, we hardly use our trash can anymore and can sometimes go a week without taking it to the curb.  However my little yard waste can is getting regular excercise.  Which means we are finally giving back to mother back, which I believe make me about even with my gas guzzling classic car.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Quickie French toast Casserole

Moments ago I suddenly wanted french toast, but I only had half a loaf of italian bread (it looks like a small loaf of french bread) With a sleepover in progress I didn't want to go to the store.  I remembered french toast casserole but it normally cooks for about an hour.  However, I recently found one of those silicone baking pans, and I had been making delicious cakes in the microwave, so why not breakfast casserole.

So I threw together the ingredients. bread first, then apples, sprinkle with a little cinnamon  and sugar, then milk/egg mixture.  Cook for 8-10 minutes in the microwave.  Like a cake, I used a knife to make sure it was done. 

If you like your apples soft then they will need to be cooked in a covered dish before hand,  but I like my apples crunchy (its a texture issue for me)

3/4 loaf  of leftover french or italion bread, cubed about 1" or so
1 apple cubed
6 eggs
1 c. milk
1 tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon


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