Its funny that until I had taken this course, I had not realized that credit cards are fairly new concept, Visa is only about 30 years old before that it was another company that was around for only 20 or so years, but doesn't it seem like it has always been around. Archeaologists are digging around and finding Mastercards carved into bone as we speak. In fact, when I think back I don't remember my grandparents having debt. I mean I always thought we were "poor" and we were, you know we struggled, we became really good at creative cooking with welfare cheese. But the only bills were rent, utilities, etc.
I still remember when I first got a credit card my income was about 4000 per year, I was in college. I was so excited, I felt so grown up, like an adult you know. But this is how it is presented to us, watch your credit score, fica score, you have to get credit in order to have it. Like this is our knew ssn or something, "who are you?" well I'm 675.
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