*Update* I realize I did not put in the cost of parts and repairs for the older vehicles!
So I couldn't help myself... had to figure it out. Now I am no accounting wizard here just gathered some information from what I knew personally regarding parts and from what I got when I called local shops.
So here it is check it out I think you would be shocked as I was! The money alone we could save... would fix the air conditioning in the van, brand new paint job, and reupholster the whole thing in just a couple of months of what I would save if I opted to not get a new car. The Nova by the way is perfect in all those departments
The figures for monthly expense includes what you would need to put away for replacement of wear and tear. Most people say well older cars are not dependable. On our newer car we learned that everything is much more expensive; from simple oil changes, inspections, etc. From talking with other people at the time our car payment was considerable low at the time. All in all these figures I believe will be different for each person, maybe your car payment is higher or maybe your gas mileage is better. I think it is better to hammer out the long term factors before considering Cash for Clunkers.
For me I'm thinking maybe not, because I can put the van in perfect running order with new paint and interior and not only, not have a car payment but save other expenses as well.
Good Luck in your decision
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