Well now I am starting to think maybe its 1/3 and a half :-} life crisis (my life-span is a bit long, after all mid life seems so final)... you know, Am I a good Wife and Mom? Am I doing what I really want? Is my life making a difference in the community or world? Is my Family okay? Can I be a better this or that...
With all of this in your head how can one expect to concentrate or even think about remembering something without a giant calendar in front of them.
So I declare, on August 15th that from this day forward I will begin my day by quieting my body and focus my thoughts... again
oh yeah I found a cool Friday Fill-in... it comes from a fun blog...Friday Fill In's

1. The last meal I had at a restaurant was a breakfast special at the Corner Cafe mmmm.
2. Pity Parties is something I intensely dislike.
3. The full moon is not so great when it is in a car window driving by you.
4. Seriously! Seriously... is one of my favorite expressions. (Thanks Racheal)
5. Sometimes it's best to just walk away and let it be.
6. Kung Fu Panda is the best movie I've seen so far this year!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping, tomorrow my plans include working, and Sunday, I want to actually make it to church!
"Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive." - Bugs Bunny
#4 - "Why so serious?" ;-)
Thanks for playing, hope you have fun this weekend!
Loved your #3 - how very true. Also the Bugs Bunny quote - he's one of my favorite philosophers!
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