University Preparatory High School student art to be featured at Visalia Convention Center April 16 – June 1, 2010 • Artists’ reception May 21, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Visalia Convention Center
Visalia – Select artworks from University Preparatory High School's Art Exploratory class will be featured at the Visalia Convention Center April 16 through June 1, 2010. The class, taught by arts instructor Michelle Bussey, will feature student works inspired by artists such as Paul Cezanne, Georgia O'Keefe, Alberto Giacometti, Judy Chicago, Vincent Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo.
An artists’ reception will be held Friday, May 21 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the Visalia Convention Center to honor the University Preparatory High School (UPHS) students featured in the exhibition. Students in the UPHS guitar and folkloric dance program will also attend to provide entertainment. The Visalia Convention Center has generously donated the refreshments. The public is welcome to attend.
This year, the Art Exploratory class received a $500 grant from the California Table Grape Commission. The grant has been used to purchase supplies for studies on woodblock printing later this semester. Ms. Bussey hopes to organize a fall exhibition of the woodblock prints created by the students. Students have also had the opportunity to study ceramics with College of the Sequoias
(COS) professor Richard Flores. The ceramic studies with Mr. Flores and the artists’ reception on May 21 have been sponsored by the Arts Council of Tulare County. Studies in the Art Exploration class are aligned with the California state standards for visual arts. Students explore basic elements of art, principals of design, imagination, historical connections to the arts and research in art history.
UPHS was created by the Tulare County Office of Education (TCOE) – in partnership with the College of the Sequoias – as a high-performance, free, public high school. UPHS welcomes all highly-motivated students looking for an accelerated and rigorous academic program, including students who may be the first in their family to attend college.
UPHS students experience their high school years on the COS campus, participate in college classes and earn college credits. This approach, known as an “early college high school,” is a time-tested method proven to increase academic success and college readiness. In addition to college courses, students may also select from a growing number of fine arts classes, including beginning guitar,
folkloric dance and art exploration. For more information on University Preparatory High School, contact Principal John Kelly at (559)